"Creating Love and Joy: Uplifting affirmations to strengthen your spirit" is now available on Amazon.com: http://amzn.com/098186130X !!!
Each of us shapes our lives through our thoughts. When our thoughts are focused on positive relationships, abundance, love, patience, and all the key affirmations presented in this book, our life becomes rich with positive energy. By reading "Creating Love and Joy" each day, we can develop new mental habits to help us break out of the cycle of negative thoughts.
As we begin to focus our thoughts on the positive aspects of our situation, it becomes easier and easier to attract more positive opportunities. We no longer spend our time worrying; instead, we now experience all the abundance, vitality and joy we choose to create in our life.
Most people TRY to remove negative aspects of their life. To better understand how we get stuck in in this unproductive cycle, simply "try" to sit in your chair. You are neither standing or sitting, you are "trying" to sit. Your arms hold your body weight, your legs are bent, your backside is unsupported, and you find yourself uncomfortable in a short period of time. It is better to either sit or stand--and commit to it--than to "try" to sit down.
People who TRY to remove negativity from their life don't realize they simply create more hardship by focusing on what they don't want. Their own conscious and subconscious thoughts are blocking the way to the easier life that they desire.
The positive affirmations presented in "Creating Love and Joy" are extremely powerful tools to develop new mental habits and help us see and implement positive opportunities in our life. Suddenly, we are experiencing healthy relationships, abundance, and joy. Those who brought negative energy into our life seem to fall by the wayside, allowing us to enjoy the flow of positive experiences.
These powerful affirmations are accompanied by beautiful, inspiring photographs that take our mind to a place of relaxation and joy. The photos enhance our ability to visualize the life we choose to create.
This life-enhancing gift can be appreciated by anyone who is facing a challenge or looking to make positive changes. Order your copy today!