Thursday, July 15, 2010

I choose to ...

"I choose to use the power of my thoughts to create abundance in my life." (from "Creating love and Joy, p. 53)

Our thoughts are so much more powerful than we realize. Many of us have so many thoughts flowing through our mind that we can hardly distinguish one from the next. When we take ten minutes each day to relax the mind, and slow the flow of thoughts, we begin to feel less anxious and nervous. Rather than worry about the thoughts of the day, we can reflect on where our mind has been focused. By using a childlike curiosity, we can explore the two or three areas that our mind is obsessing on. Are these thoughts bringing us joy, abundance, and peace? Wherever our thoughts are focused, that is what we bring into our life. If we focus on the lack of money, we bring more lack. If we focus on the abundance around us--friends, family, work, hobbies--we bring more abundance into our life. Think about it--our thoughts are VERY powerful! Hugs--tc

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