Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Standing apart from negativity

"Negativity has within it the seeds of its own destruction." -Emmanuel's book

At times it feels like our world is chaotic and full of mayhem. Negativity and inappropriate behavior can be seen at work, in relationships, in our community, and in many areas. How do we stand apart from this negativity so that it doesn't consume us?

When I can remember to "tune in" to my gut, it often sends a clear signal that something is amiss. It flips, turns, and wrenches. Suddenly, I am aware that my belly aches. That's my sign to PAY ATTENTION!!

What is your sign? Do you get a kink in your neck? Does your back ache? Does your jaw tighten? Our bodies can help us recognize "ugly" situations.

When we have identified that something is amiss, then we can quickly protect ourselves with light. It helps me to imagine a swirl of bright, loving light spinning around around me, deflecting off any negativity that might come my way.

Next, we can focus our thoughts on ways to diminish the ugliness--we don't want to give it power by allowing it to consume our thoughts. By standing aside and reminding ourselves that we do not have to get caught up in the situation, we have already regained our internal power. If the source of the negativity is another person, we can imagine that they, too, are immersed in light.

Then, we can be grateful for the ability to identify ugly situations more quickly and address them in ways that help us to create a fulfilling life. The more we practice this, the more we are able to remain apart from negativity around us.

It's important to be gentle with ourselves. We are learning, we are learning, we are learning.

How do you find your center when faced with ugly situations? I'd love to hear from you! Hugs, love, and light--tc

Monday, April 23, 2012

Affirming before going to sleep

Wayne Dyer recently posted helpful ideas on Facebook (see below). “Creating Love and Joy” was written to help us bring positive changes into our life--in the same way that Dr. Dyer suggests! Check out the Table of Contents for FREE on Amazon—it can help you get started in writing your own affirmations.

Here’s Dr. Dyer’s post: “As you lie in bed preparing for your nightly slumber, remember that the last thought you have in your mind can last up to four hours in your subconscious mind. Create a reminder like a prayer or mantra to place by your bed. Read these words as you get comfortable. For example, each night before I drift off to sleep, I reiterate: I am peaceful, I am content, I am love, I am writing, etc.”

Try it for 21 consecutive days and you’ll see positive changes in your life. Enjoy! Hugs, love and light, tc

Monday, April 09, 2012

Affirming abundance and peace

Did you know the federal minimum wage is $7.25/hr and the average price of gas hovers at $3.94/gallon? That means that a gallon of gas eats up over 50% of one hour’s pay for a minimum wage worker!!! This economy has strained US workers’ earnings and drained our savings accounts for over 3 years. How do we stay focused on the positive elements that we choose to bring in our life?

By affirming abundance and peace, we stay centered. Here’s an example:
“I am light protecting me from all harm. I choose to bring only peace and abundance into my life, right now. I am grateful that all of my bills are paid and all of my needs are met. I trust my abundance to fulfill my needs at each and every moment. I release all regrets from the past and worries about the future. I choose peace and abundance in this moment, right now. I am abundance. I am peace. I am grateful for all the abundance in my life.”

We eliminate old thoughts of lack or worry by focusing on what we already have. If we continuously have thoughts about being underpaid, not having enough money, not being able to save enough, not being able to travel, … not, not, NOT… then we bring a lot of “NOT” into our life. Remember, our thoughts create our feelings, beliefs and actions.

When we gently focus on abundance and peace, we bring more abundance into our life. Even if we don’t quite believe it at first, our subconscious is getting the message. By affirming abundance and peace for 21 consecutive days, we overlay old feelings and beliefs, replacing them with new, fruitful thoughts.

Try it! You’ll be surprised as you notice that “magical coincidences” begin to appear in your life. It might be found money, an invitation to a night out, or a friend offering their vacation home for free. Abundance comes in many forms—not just money. Even a warm embrace and the feeling of joy is abundance. Enjoy it! Hugs, love and light, tc