Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Social media -- I'm G*L*A*D* (see, SARK!)

Social media can be fun, playful and innovative. SARK, the author of "Glad No Matter What," posted a social media activity on her website:

"Be GLAD No Matter What - Give Lovingly And Daringly

This does NOT mean feeling glad when you don't - how annoying. It means finding the glad parts in as many of your feelings as you can and then finding ways to help the world with your GLAD heart. Blog or post your GLAD offerings on social media. It might be large or tiny, common or uncommon. One of my GLAD heart gifts was singing Amazing Grace in the DMV office until everyone joined in!

Write or post a video or art on your blog or social media about your GLAD heart gift and be entered to win a signed copy of the book and a 15 minute Scoop of SARK"

So...here's my artwork--the footprint of "Creating Love and Joy." I'm GLAD social media has come about--it brings the world closer together. It's fun to piggyback on each other's ideas and share our creativity. Hugs--tc

Monday, December 06, 2010


Many thanks to Changing Hands bookstore for displaying “Creating Love and Joy” on the shelf marked “Recent Favorites”(4th shelf, second from the right.) My hope is that readers will see the eye-catching cover and buy the book as a gift for themselves or a friend. Did you know that Changing Hands was rated as the best bookstore in the country by Publisher’s Weekly? They regularly have well-known authors like SARK, Meadowlark Lemon, Valerie Bertinelli, and Apolo Ono in for book signings! Thank you, Changing Hands, for supporting “Indie” publishers! Hugs--tc