Saturday, December 03, 2011

Seeing Darkness in New Ways

How do we put the darkness that exists in our world into perspective?

If we see the universe as filled with loving energy that unites all our hearts, then darkness is only a shadow. Each of us is here to learn during our lifelong journey. The darkness in and around us is created by blocked energy, forgetfulness, and our own limiting beliefs. It exists as an opportunity to learn, not as an effort to obstruct or suppress. Without the dualism of negative and positive energies, how can we learn to shed light on the negative while we remain focused on the positive?

It takes an initial leap of faith to trust that love and light surround our world. When we see evil, negativity, and darkness, we can remind ourselves that these are only shadows caused by forgetfulness of our spiritual connection to each other. We can imagine ourselves surrounded by a protective light that repels these negative energies away from us. We can imagine light from above shining into the dark areas, illuminating and shrinking the darkness. We can look within to tap the energy in our heart that is aware, but not lost in… or swept away by … ugly experiences. We can focus on expanding that light within to release any negative energy we have consciously, or subconsciously, absorbed. Amazingly, we will suddenly feel lighter. Try it! Test it out! It works!


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