Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Cleansing and Renewal

Isn’t it wonderful how the rain brings a fresh inspiration that makes it seem like all is cleansed and renewed? In Tucson, we had a nice monsoon today. It was about 1/12th of our total annual 12 inches of rain. The desert smells bright, the creosote strikes the senses with it’s wonderful freshness, and the lightening adds drama to the possibility of a new beginning. The earth has its own way of renewing and refreshing itself.

What do we have? We have our own thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. In Japan, many believe that reorganizing a drawer is symbolic of reorganizing certain aspects of life. I like this analogy. As I clean house or straighten up or put things away that I didn’t know I had room for…I think about the possibility that I’m also straightening up unfinished business, putting things away that it’s time to let go of, and finding strength that I didn’t know I had. It’s a joy to discover inner and outer strength. The delight of life, and the gift it brings, is around us each day…when we are willing to see it.


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