Friday, July 30, 2010

Disconnecting from our everyday routine ...

During our healing process, it "… helps to disconnect from our everyday routine and distractions. What is it that we love to do? Is it taking a walk? Sitting quietly? Working out? Listening to music? Jogging? Playing a sport? Taking a bath? Getting a massage? Reading a book? Even if it is only for 10 minutes, 3 times a week, when we set aside a bit of time for ourselves, we can separate from our daily distractions (Creating Love and Joy, p. 80)."

I can only imagine a wonderful weekend for each of us!! Hugs—tc

Thursday, July 29, 2010

We begin the affirmation with...

"Another way we can remember the affirmations is to record them in our own voice and listen to them when we can. We can add a few of our own unique goals by recording our personal intentions as well. When we do so, we begin the affirmations with “I choose…” or “I am…” to propel us toward the relationships and experiences we are seeking. We avoid stating what we don’t want. Remember, wherever we focus our thoughts, that is what comes into our life. We visualize what we choose as if we are already living it right now (Creating Love and Joy, p. 79)."


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Creating lasting change in our life....

"One of the most powerful ways that we can make permanent changes in our life is to take 10 minutes to read the 33 affirmations in Creating Love and Joy each day when we wake up in the morning and before we go to sleep at night. If our mind wanders to specific life instances as we read through them, we can simply replace any negative thoughts and feelings with pure loving light, and continue reading from where we left off. It is important to be gentle with ourselves. We are learning, we are learning, we are learning. If we review the affirmations at least once each day for 21 consecutive days, our subconscious begins to absorb our new perspective. We begin to see positive, joyful changes in our life (Creating Love and Joy, p. 79)."


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Meeting my own needs...

"I trust that I am meeting my own needs, in the perfect manner, and in the perfect amount, at this moment. (Creating Love and Joy, p. 51)."

Monday, July 26, 2010

Rays of Sunshine Radiating Outward....

"I know that, like rays of sunshine radiating outward, we are all unified parts of a larger whole (Creating Love and Joy, p. 73)."

Friday, July 23, 2010

We reap what we sow...

"I trust that the universe is impartial, allowing each of us to experience the consequences of our unique thoughts, feelings, choices, and actions (Creating Love and Joy, p. 49)."

Simple concepts are often not so easy to implement. Think of the simple concept for making money in the stock market: “Buy low, sell high.” It’s not hard to understand. Well, then, why aren’t we all millionaires? Because implementing the concept is not easy.

“We reap what we sow” is also a simple concept. In varying language, this concept is at the base of almost all the world religions. Why is it, then, that even the most spiritual among us take actions against others that they certainly wouldn’t want coming back to them? Perhaps one reason is that employing this concept in EVERY aspect of daily life is not easy. It takes constant vigilance and determination.

Also, we sometimes forget that we have both conscious and SUBCONSCIOUS thoughts. Both influence our actions, feelings, and choices. We may be unaware of the underlying assumptions or judgments that we harbor in our subconscious belief system. When we can raise our subconscious beliefs to our conscious awareness, then we can make a free-will choice about whether or not we choose to continue to employ that belief. It’s important to be gentle with ourselves—we are learning, we are learning, we are learning.


Thursday, July 22, 2010

Creating harmonious situations...

"I know that when I listen to my heart, I create even more harmonious situations in my life (Creating Love and Joy, p. 41)."

As we learn to sort out the many thoughts that flow through our mind, we begin to distinguish the gentle guidance that comes from the heart. This is the voice that guides us to our highest harmony.

Sometimes it takes time to sort out our thoughts. It’s important to give ourselves that time. Others around us many not understand, as they seek answers right away. When we are learning new approaches, new habits of mind, it’s a good idea to give ourselves the space and time to evaluate our thoughts. Then, we can trust that our response is coming from the heart.


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Becoming aware and releasing...

"As I become aware of many layers of fear or discord, I release my connection to them and fill that space with divine light (Creating Love and Joy, p. 49)."

Each day brings a new awareness. Insurance companies and car repair shops have been in my life the last 2 days.

I can only imagine you are smiling as you read about these two favorites. What are some of the assumptions that automatically come to mind? "Insurance companies are happy to take your money, but reluctant to pay out when you need them." "Car repair shops are always looking to run up the bill, claiming that things need to be repaired when they don't." "Both industries are just looking to rip you off--they charge you an arm and a leg." I could go on and on...

It's socially acceptable to moan and groan about certain things. Our friends will chime in and agree. From a healing perspective, none of this moves us in a positive direction. Underlying these assumptions and gripe sessions are fears. Fear causes discord, because our thoughts are directed toward what we DON'T want to bring in our life. We DON'T want to be ripped off. We DON'T want to pay money to manage potential risk--only to find out we aren't covered for a particular occurrence. We DON'T want to be taken advantage of. We DON'T want to look stupid for not understanding much about complicated mechanical devices. You get the idea.

To move ourselves in a positive direction, it's important to recognize and acknowledge our fears and discord around the event and situation. Then, we can protect ourselves with divine light and choose to permanently release these assumptions. It may help to imagine all these assumptions leaving our mind and vaporizing into thin air—gone forever. We replace the assumptions with positive ones. We can do this by using the affirmations in "Creating Love and Joy." All we have to do is read through the Table of Contents to remember our true self. Once we have replaced negative assumptions with positive ones, we can choose to have only healthy interactions with all organizations.

I can almost hear the snorts from those of you skeptics who think this approach might be naive or simplistic. Many of the simple things in life are not easy. It takes a free-will, conscious effort to detach from society's assumptions so that we remain centered enough to make a choice about whether or not we allow people to influence us. It takes a determined effort to imagine the possibility that there are car repair shops and insurance companies that are not corrupt. The most skeptical among you might not be able to image that ethical companies exist in some industries. You might consider the possibility that there are individuals within these organizations that choose to treat their clients fairly, without trying to overcharge them. You can envision yourself interacting only with these individuals.


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Positive changes ...

"I choose to remain aware of these positive changes that I am worthy to enjoy." (p. 41, Creating Love and Joy)

Each time I see the New York Times home page that comes up when I enter the internet, many disturbing headlines blare out like an orchestra's horn section gone wrong. It's easy to allow current events, and the roller coaster economy, to bring us down. It takes a bit more work to acknowledge these circumstances without losing our focus.

Even in a difficult economy, we can use the power of our thoughts to bring positive experiences into our life. When we focus on what is going WELL in life, that part gets stronger and is reinforced. We can also imagine what it would be like to see, feel, taste, and experience the improvement we desire in some aspects of our life. By envisioning the goal as if it is already happening right now, we train our subconscious mind to believe these situations are already in our life. We then draw into our conscious experiences the various people, events, and relationships that reinforce the reality we envision.

In his positive thinking audios (the Self-Talk Solution), Shad Helmstetter tells of prisoners of war who used this technique to stay healthy while in captivity. They envisioned every detail of their golf game, using the imagination to see themselves teeing off, chipping onto the green, and making that perfect putt into the hole. When released, these former POWs were able to play golf as well as, or better than, they had before their capture.

Athletes also use this technique. During the Winter Olympics, did you notice that the skiers would close their eyes and imagine themselves skiing perfectly down the slopes, just before they actually raced? When we learn to train our mind, we can achieve all that we imagine.


Monday, July 19, 2010

Inspirational images

"There's just something so magical about capturing a moment in time..." (Robyn T. Lisone, p. 82, Creating Love and Joy

It's amazing how a photo can invoke so many emotions: joy, love, peace.... Sometimes, we can almost taste the salty spray of the sea on our lips as we gaze at a picture of the beach. We can hear the wind whistling through the leaves of a tree. We can smell the fresh scent of the flowers, grass, and trees. We image ourselves being in that beautiful place ... and we realize we are now calm, relaxed, and smiling. Share your favorite landscape photos here! Hugs--tc

Friday, July 16, 2010

"...the universe is impartial..."

"I trust that the universe is impartial, allowing each of us to experience the consequences of our unique thoughts, feelings, choices, and actions (Creating Love and Joy, p. 49)."

It's amazing to think that our thoughts are so powerful they created our current life situation. We often forget that we have conscious thoughts AND subconscious thoughts. That's why it's so important to pay attention when we can identify subconcious beliefs. Once the subconscious belief is raised to our awareness, we can celebrate our achievement. Hooray! Now we can make a free will choice about whether or not that belief brings joy and positive relationships into our life. If it doesn't, we can choose to permanently release that belief. Hugs--tc

Thursday, July 15, 2010

I choose to ...

"I choose to use the power of my thoughts to create abundance in my life." (from "Creating love and Joy, p. 53)

Our thoughts are so much more powerful than we realize. Many of us have so many thoughts flowing through our mind that we can hardly distinguish one from the next. When we take ten minutes each day to relax the mind, and slow the flow of thoughts, we begin to feel less anxious and nervous. Rather than worry about the thoughts of the day, we can reflect on where our mind has been focused. By using a childlike curiosity, we can explore the two or three areas that our mind is obsessing on. Are these thoughts bringing us joy, abundance, and peace? Wherever our thoughts are focused, that is what we bring into our life. If we focus on the lack of money, we bring more lack. If we focus on the abundance around us--friends, family, work, hobbies--we bring more abundance into our life. Think about it--our thoughts are VERY powerful! Hugs--tc